Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Plea for the Physical Question #1

              I would prefer the physical compared to the sedentary, because when I’m doing physical activities, I tend to be more energetic and alive. For example, when I go skating, I always couldn’t wait till I can get on the ice and start swirling around. After I get off the ice, I like how refreshing it feels to have a sweaty work out. I can continue to do exercise for a long time. Also, if I don’t work out, my body will start to worn out and I will be easily exhausted easily, which cause health problems; for example, heart attack, breathing problems.  Therefore physical activities can help us stay healthy and strong. Since when I do sedentary things, I tend to get tired and lazier. For instance, when I watch dramas for hours and hours, on my laptop, I would get depressed easily. Also, I would start feeling like there is no point in living. Therefore, I would prefer the physical over sedentary.