Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What is the importance of literature in your life ? ( paragraph)

               In this world, it’s impossible to survive without literature, because it is needed in order for people to express themselves to others. Literature is used by everybody, especially by the government. The government uses speeches to expand his thoughts to worldwide making people be persuaded or understood. Without persuasive speeches, nobody would have voted for him as the government representing their country. Literature is needed for us to learn about everything. In order for us to understand, there are always literature texted used in the content for math, science, and art. Literature is a wonderful art that is used in everyday life. People use it to tell amazing stories, and facts about human lives that are developed today. Therefore, it plays as the most crucial need in my life, as well as others.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The picture before we post it, and to show where we post it.

The picture after we posted.

Partners with: Vasena, Susan

Sudden, radiant smiles
Grasped olive branches
Babies’ first steps, beginnings
raging ocean waves
dangling dewdrops glistening
walks on the beach, fine sand
blooming flowers, petals opened proudly
hummed melodies
the northern lights, colorful ribbons
chipmunks twirling acorns, nibbling frantically
fresh watermelon
plants covered in delicate tendrils of frost
rivers chortling busily along
the elusive smell of coffee

Cars rushing past, an endless beam of sound
Pinpricks of light in the nighttime, buildings that never sleep
The constant hum of life comforting eternal.

Life is a never ending maze,
Without knowing anything,
One chooses the path,
May be fallacious,
May be pleasant,

According to one’s self.
Yet one changes by its step,
Like nature.

The years that pass,
The years that we may still have,
Favourable in our lives,
Cherished like love.

Letting go
Quick gasp of salty air
the warm breeze pushes my hair off my face
tickling the back of my neck
I press my footprint into the sand, desperately waiting
Then all desires are fulfilled by the wave that belatedly washes away what once had shape but now is amorphous.
Drifting away like memories I’ve had, people I’ve met, and places I’ve been.
Stars are sprinkled across the celestial sky, seeming near, but too distant a reach
Despair from incapability,
The physical impossibility is only a fallacy for internal conflict
As melancholy is swept away, future shall no longer be bleak.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Sorrrowful Man

The depressed man stares at the plant,
realizing his life is at the end.
Without moving an inch,
he's a statue.
the plant is him,
the sorrow will finally end,
dying insignificantly.

Speaker: A waiter, who was working at a restaurant, watching the man depressingly stares at the plant.
Audience: Anybody
Message: He's a poor man, who lost his job and home. He has no where to go.
Edited by: Vasena Jayamanna

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Do Seek Their Meat From God Response

The short story, "Do Seek Their Meat From God" by Charles G.D. Roberts, is a very ironic story, by either side of the antagonist and protagonist. The father seeing the fact that there was a child been eaten by the panthers', and didn't help the child. He just let the child die and when he realizes that the child was his son, it was too late. This lesson is to tell us that even if you're not related the a person or animal, you should help them without reasons. The antagonist tragedy is the panthers' were hungry and they have babies to feed, so they had to kill the child, but at the end, they were killed by the father. Then at the end, the babies were left there to starve or eaten by the other animals. This is a tragedy of nature and life.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is love ?

Love is something meaningful in life,
Love is something that makes relationships between each other,
Love is something that makes people’s expression,
Love is something that makes smiles,
Love is something that creates the world.

it makes A family of lovingly butterflies,
It makes A bunch of beautiful radiant red rose blooming brightly,
It is an accessory of hearts.

love is people being
considerate of each other,
love is cherishing.

love makes people crazy,
love is what make people strong,
Love is all about surprises,
Love is the most important thing in life.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Plea for the Physical Question #1

              I would prefer the physical compared to the sedentary, because when I’m doing physical activities, I tend to be more energetic and alive. For example, when I go skating, I always couldn’t wait till I can get on the ice and start swirling around. After I get off the ice, I like how refreshing it feels to have a sweaty work out. I can continue to do exercise for a long time. Also, if I don’t work out, my body will start to worn out and I will be easily exhausted easily, which cause health problems; for example, heart attack, breathing problems.  Therefore physical activities can help us stay healthy and strong. Since when I do sedentary things, I tend to get tired and lazier. For instance, when I watch dramas for hours and hours, on my laptop, I would get depressed easily. Also, I would start feeling like there is no point in living. Therefore, I would prefer the physical over sedentary.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Journal #10

October 31st,
Today was Halloween, and it was the most dramatic, fun, dangerous day I ever had! When the sky was dark, me and Jem walked to school. As we were near the Radley house, Cecil came scaring us, I was scared to death! When we were at school, I realized I forgot my money!! I can’t believe I left my money, but thanks to Jem, he was sincere enough to give me thirty cents for me to play games. Afterwards, me and Cecil went around and played 6 games, and I had a lot of fun.
When we went back to the backstage, I have to listen to Mrs. Merriweather give us half an hour of instructions, and I didn’t know a word she said, all I did was listen to the background noise without caring what she said. As I slept, I missed my part and went on stage without any idea what was going on, I was so embarrassed.
When it ended, me and Jem walked back together, and it was really creepy. I couldn’t see a single thing in the dark, and there were weird sounds coming from somewhere. It started to make me nervous, especially when Jem told me somebody was following us. But then, I thought of Cecil Jacobs and figured it must be him! So I called out loud that he was a hig wet he-en, but not even a word came out. Therefore, me and Jem ran for it.
As I was running, I fell and yelled for Jem with fright. I was confused, my costume went crushed, Jem got beaten and I was choked as if I was about to die. As he was choking me, I felt like my life was just going to end like that. Then suddenly, he was on the ground and breathing hard and making weird noise, I thought it was Jem who saved me. Apparently at that time, it was too dark to see what was going on and everything happened too fast, so I didn’t know what was happening. Later on, Atticus found us, and brought us back home, I realized Jem was not reacting. Although, this was supposed to be scary, I didn’t feel anything, I was as calm as the wind blowing across the grass. Maybe it was because I was home, and I felt safe again. Then with realization, I started to panic, I was scared that Jem was dead. So I started asking Dr. Reynolds if he died or not, he said no, and I was all loosen up.
Mr. Tate came in and said Mr. Ewell was dead under the tree. I was shocked, it was actually Mr. Ewell who tried to kill me and Jem? Why? We don’t even know him, why would he kill us? My head started asking many questions that I was really curious. So, I sat and listened to Atticus and Mr. Tate talk. Later on, I told them about it, and Atticus started accusing Jem for killing Mr. Ewell, but Mr. Tate proved wrong of Atticus’ belief. I was glad that Mr. Tate had proved Atticus wrong, because I don’t believe Jem could have killed him. He was considerate; for instance, he told me not to kill the bug that I was going to squash, and he gave me money to play games today. How could he do such a thing?
Later on, BOB RADLEY CAME! I always wanted to see him in person and I finally did, I was so happy, but I feel sorry for Jem that he couldn’t see him. After he came, I understand his body movements, and I started to understand him more. I understood that he was a really nice person, and I think he was the one who saved us by pulling Mr. Ewell from killing me.
I felt really exhausted after all these things happened. It made today felt like it was the longest day I ever had.