Saturday, November 26, 2011

Do Seek Their Meat From God Response

The short story, "Do Seek Their Meat From God" by Charles G.D. Roberts, is a very ironic story, by either side of the antagonist and protagonist. The father seeing the fact that there was a child been eaten by the panthers', and didn't help the child. He just let the child die and when he realizes that the child was his son, it was too late. This lesson is to tell us that even if you're not related the a person or animal, you should help them without reasons. The antagonist tragedy is the panthers' were hungry and they have babies to feed, so they had to kill the child, but at the end, they were killed by the father. Then at the end, the babies were left there to starve or eaten by the other animals. This is a tragedy of nature and life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure with this post if I understand you correctly: that you believe the child was killed by the panthers? because it wasn't. The man finds out that it was his son and is lucky he killed the panther just in time. Perhaps reading the story more closely and discussing it with others would help to ensure comprehension of the plot. Your poetic response about Love was interesting to read. Continue to write creatively and keep working on making sure your expression is clear by editing for grammatical and mechanical errors as it helps us understand your ideas better.
